Perimeter School

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Alumni Spotlight: Emily (Hart) Kirkpatrick

By: Emily (hart) Kirkpatrick, PERIMETER SCHOOL alum

We recently caught up with several of our Perimeter School alumni, and we are excited to share with you how Perimeter School has influenced their stories and how God is using them for kingdom impact.

Our next alumni spotlight is Emily (Hart) Kirkpatrick, Perimeter School Class of 2003.

What do you do? Where do you live?

I live in Birmingham, Alabama where my primary role is to stay home with my three kids - Joshua, Caleb, and Molly. I also run my own graphic design company that specializes in custom invitations for all of life's celebrations, both big and small!⁠

How Did your time at Perimeter School influencE who you are and what you do today?

Perimeter School was very instrumental in my life! I have so many memories of creative learning within the walls of the school and classroom - throwing Styrofoam balls out of car windows, using cardboard tubes to reenact the Revolutionary War, dressing up in era-appropriate costumes for all of the Arts Festivals, learning the skills of public speaking through poetry recitals and book reports, and yes, even dissecting frogs. (I think I had a stronger stomach back then!)⁠

While I will always remember all of those things, it was the time outside of the classroom that played an even more significant role in my life.⁠

I don't know if I would have verbalized it the same way back then, but it was the COVENANT FAMILY. By God's grace, I was blessed with an incredible covenant family - I knew who my friends' parents were as well as my friends' siblings. Since I graduated from Perimeter School almost 20 years ago, those same moms who hosted numerous slumber parties, birthday parties, chaperoned field trips, etc. are the same moms who have not only thrown wedding and baby showers for me but who have also sat shoulder to shoulder with me at memorial services of loved ones.⁠

Where would I be without all of those amazing ladies and their families!?⁠

"If it weren't for Perimeter School, I wouldn't know . . .”

If it weren’t for Perimeter School, I don't think I would have as much of a foundation of a biblical worldview.

We didn't just learn about the Bible in Bible class. It was something that was woven into every subject … from learning about the human digestive system to astronomy to all types of literature.

In what ways is the work you are doing now spiritually and culturally Significant?

My primary role is to take care of my three children - I am not only there to meet their physical needs, but by God's grace alone, I am truly discipling them to grow up with a biblical worldview. Yes, I want them to know scripture and yes, I want them to have an understanding that all of scripture points to Jesus, but I also so desire for them to question things, dig deep, and learn how scripture influences the way they treat a classmate or teacher … or one day a co-worker or boss … or maybe a neighbor who thinks and believes differently.

My heart is that they would not bend scripture to fit what they want or what society wants but that they would be bent and shaped by the Bible.

My graphic design business is mostly centered around life's celebrations. Life celebrations, while exciting, usually mean a big transition for someone (and/or many people). My prayer is that by kindly and respectfully walking them through a potentially stressful process, I can play a small role in bringing peace and encouragement in a new season of life!

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