Perimeter School

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Alumni Spotlight: Ethan Langston

By: Ethan Langston, PERIMETER SCHOOL alum

We recently caught up with several of our Perimeter School alumni, and we are excited to share with you how Perimeter School has influenced their stories and how God is using them for kingdom impact.

Our next alumni spotlight is Ethan Langston, Perimeter School Class of 2009.

What do you do? Where do you live?

I live in Atlanta, Georgia where I work as a music artist manager.

How Did your time at Perimeter School influence who you are and what you do today?

I went to Perimeter School for the entirety of elementary and middle school, so it was obviously a very formative time.

I made some very close friends there, and it was where I was given my first experience with "fine arts." My mom was my music teacher (Mrs. Langston!), but I also had a great experience with drama at Perimeter School. I ended up making some of my best, lifelong friends through drama in high school, which wouldn't have happened without the springboard Perimeter School gave me. And further, I now have a career in the music industry.

"If it weren't for Perimeter School, I wouldn't know . . .”

I think one thing that stands out from my time at Perimeter School is the support I received from other families, in addition to my own.

I could name several families off the top of my head - friends' families in my grade - that felt, and still feel, like they were my own parents, brothers, and sisters in a way. The close-knit, family-oriented environment at Perimeter School definitely fostered that.⁠

In what ways is the work you are doing now spiritually and culturally Significant?

Shaping and administrating artists' careers certainly carries some level of cultural significance because of the role that music plays in our society, media, etc. It's an honor to work with such talented people and see how God works through them despite operating in a largely secular culture.

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