Communication As Currency
We have a responsibility to engage in dialogue with love at the forefront.
By: Ansley Bonaventure, Middle School Principal
In our dear covenant school community, we commit to many things concerning our students, teachers, and parents. One of our highest values is engaging in Biblical communication with one another. We believe this is essential for the health of our school environment, and we see it as a good and right practice to model for our students as they grow and learn to navigate relationships and challenging situations independently.
However, Biblical communication is not without its challenges. It can be complicated, risky, time-consuming, and often inconvenient. Yet, it is deeply rewarding. As God’s Word teaches, “how good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity” (Psalm 133:1).
What do we owe one another in our communication? We owe love.
Romans 13:8 reminds us, “Owe no one anything except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.” Our communication—especially when discussing difficult or contentious matters—should be marked by a tone and approach rooted in love. God calls us to this obligation of love, defined as both a duty and a repayment.
How does this connect to our conversations? We have a responsibility to engage in dialogue with love at the forefront. This process requires time and preparation.
How can we approach difficult or uncomfortable conversations? By preparing our hearts. We owe our brothers and sisters a prayerful, humble approach—free from defensiveness and judgment.
Proverbs 12:18 cautions us, “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Rash, unprepared words cause harm, but words infused with wisdom, prayer, and love can bring about healing.
Is there a necessary conversation lingering in your life? Do not be afraid—God has equipped you with everything you need. Approach in love, take your time, and trust that God has already paved the way. Embrace the process without fear, seeking unity and understanding. Engage with your brother or sister in love. While perfection in these conversations may be elusive, holiness is attainable. Jesus modeled this for us, and by God’s grace, we can practice it within our relationships at school.
Be encouraged that God can transform difficult moments into holy ones. Take a step today towards meaningful, face-to-face conversations that foster growth and restoration. These are the interactions that nourish our souls, transform our hearts, and demonstrate to our children that deep friendships can be built and broken relationships mended—all through the gift of love.
When we set our hearts on loving God and walking with Him, His Spirit, which is not of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind, begins to dwell in us.