Covenant Promises
It is ONLY by the strength of god that we CAN fulfill our covenant promises.
By: Brendon O’Dowd, head of school
In my re-enrollment letter to our school families, I mentioned the privilege I had to administer the oath of office to numerous service members. On one of those opportunities, I led my son through his oath of office to the Navy. It was an honor to say with him that we took our oath “freely and without any mental reservation.” It was a joy to confirm our oath with the words “so help me God.”
A celebratory first salute followed soon after.
Covenant promises
Perimeter School parents, when you re-enroll, I challenge you to remember a couple of important steps you take. First, it is only by the grace of God that you make your commitment.
It is only by His strength that you can fulfill your covenant promises.
Like the military, educating children is hard work and requires discipline and sacrifice. Doing it without God’s guidance and help will result in frustration and burnout. Doing it with God’s sanctifying power leads to joy.
Second, we make our commitment as a community. We are not alone. Others have and will continue to walk with you through the ups and downs of educating the next generation. Please continue to regularly connect with other covenant parents.
May God bless our efforts as He propels us toward kingdom impact.
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.