Time Spent Together
I love being with my dad!
By: Perimeter School Students
All of our events at Perimeter School have a purpose. The Father-Daughter Dance is no different … we long for our families to have close relationships of depth and joy. This evening is an opportunity to cultivate these relationships with our daughters, their fathers, and other covenant families.
We interviewed girls from kindergarten to eighth grade (and even one dad!) about what they are most excited about for the Father-Daughter Dance on February 25. The central theme is time spent together (and sugar!). We are so thankful that our school carves out intentional time for building the special relationship between fathers (and father figures) and their daughters.
what are you most looking forward to about the father-daughter dance?
MADISON (KINDERGARTEN): I am excited to get dressed up and go with my dad and sister. I have never been before, but I am excited!
ELLA (GRADE 2): I am so excited to go with my dad! I am going to wear a pretty dress, and we will go to a fancy dinner. My sister will be there too. It is my first dance since we didn’t have one last year, and I am so excited!
STELLA (GRADE 5): I am looking forward to hanging out with my dad but also eating all the treats at the dance.
KATE (GRADE 5): I just like to be with my dad and spend time with him. He works and comes home later, so it is special to get extra time with him.
SAVANNAH (GRADE 5): We go to dinner with friends or just us and then go to the dance. I love spending time with my dad.
MADELINE (GRADE 5): I have a lot of siblings, so it is special to spend time with my dad and my sister, just us.
LANIE (GRADE 5): I love going to a fancy dinner and being together with my dad.
AUDREY (GRADE 5): It’s my sister’s last dance, and I am excited for her! I can’t wait to get dressed up and go with my dad. I am also looking forward to dancing with my friends and eating all the sweets.
EMILY (Grade 5): I love being with my dad. We like to build things together and enjoy time together. This is my first dance at school with my dad, so it will be something fun and new.
LIBBY (Grade 5): This is my first dance at Perimeter School! I am excited about dancing with my dad, and my friend told me about all the sugary treats! I am VERY excited about that!
ELLA (GRADE 8): I love that we go to Hibachi every year!
KENDALL (GRADE 8): We have a tradition. My sister and I go to dinner with our dad before the dance, and Mom takes out our brother. It is always so much fun.
RYLIE (GRADE 8): One of my favorite things about the Father-Daughter Dance is the Cinderella Dance.
LAUREN (GRADE 8): We are going to the same restaurant this year that we went to when I was in kindergarten. That is special! The Cinderella Dance and the dads praying over us are some of my favorite memories.
RAEGAN (GRADE 8): I haven’t been to a Father-Daughter dance since I was in kindergarten, and this is my first one at Perimeter School. I am really looking forward to the time with my dad.
COACH BINFORD (P.E. COACH AND SCHOOL DAD): I am so looking forward to the Father-Daughter Dance. In years past, my daughter has wanted to dance with her friends more than dance with me. But this year, she says she is excited to be with me. I can’t wait!
We are so looking forward to an evening of celebrating the girls of our school and their fathers/father figures at the Father-Daughter Dance on Friday, February 25. Dads of daughters, you won't want to miss this special night! Click here to register by February 16.
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