Honoring Our Heroes
Every veteran demonstrates the love that Jesus has for us. Now that is my idea of a hero!
By: PERIMETER School Students
Perimeter School will continue our 26-year tradition of students and faculty expressing appreciation to veterans for their service at the Perimeter School Veterans Celebration tomorrow, Wednesday, November 11, 2020, at 9:30 AM. We hope that you will join us online live at PerimeterSchool.org or by searching “Perimeter Church” on YouTube, Apple TV, or Facebook.
In preparation for the event, our students have written essays of appreciation for those who have served our country. We are excited to share some of their words with you.
Honoring our heroes
“What is your definition of a hero? Heroes, in my opinion, are people willing to do whatever it takes to protect the people around them, often sacrificing many aspects of their lives. They know it could be dangerous or present many burdens, but because they know the importance of freedom, they selflessly leave their families for who knows how long in order to protect every family in the country!
Every single veteran has a story. Whether a doctor, soldier, captain, engineer, pilot, or cook, they all have a role in keeping our country safe. Veterans knowingly sign up for a job where they will have to sacrifice their time, their comfort, and possibly their lives. They do all this so that we can sleep in the comfort of our own beds at home and so that we have the freedom to do and be what we choose.
In my opinion, this sounds a lot like what Jesus did for all of us. Jesus came to Earth so that He could save us and give us life - a life that we do not deserve - one of peace and joy! Every single veteran demonstrates the love that Jesus has for us. Now that is my idea of a hero!”
Bailey, Seventh Grade Essay Contest Winner
“I will always remember my PawPaw as one of the bravest men I ever knew.”
Charlie, First Grade Essay Contest Winner
“Every veteran had an important part to play, no matter what it was. Every veteran is a hero.”
Tucker, Third Grade Essay Contest Winner
“Who knows, some of my classmates at Perimeter School may serve in the military. What an honor it would be to serve and walk in the footsteps of these heroes.”
Walker, Fifth Grade Essay Contest Winner
“Listening to the veterans in my family, I get a strong sense that they had a deep desire to defend a nation that stood for an ideal much larger than themselves and also to defend each other.”
Evan, Eighth Grade Essay Contest Winner
This is just a glimpse into the grateful hearts of our students! To hear more, please join us online live at PerimeterSchool.org or by searching “Perimeter Church” on YouTube, Apple TV, or Facebook at 9:30 AM tomorrow, November 11.
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.