How This New Teacher Found “Home” in Perimeter School
Be known and know others as we are running arm-in-arM for the glory of our King.
By Sarah Jenkins, Perimeter School Pre-First Teacher
Coming to Perimeter School felt like coming home.
I once read a story about a girl traveling from Georgia to the Philippines. She said that, as soon as she got there, she felt at home. Both cultures were friendly, laid back, unstructured, and inclusive. The comfort of being home is something for which we all long. For me, home is my husband’s hug, seeing tulips, hearing my mom’s laugh, cuddling up with a quilt, and tasting grape ice cream (yes, grape - it’s delicious).
“Home” may feel like a lot of different things to believers, as we are each dependent on our past and experiences, but we are all given an innate longing for home. It’s why we make our homes cozy with the things we love, why we light our classrooms with lamps, and why women put throw pillows any place they can. We want our coffee shops, classrooms, and offices to feel like home. We want comfort and familiarity.
A SHared Purpose
The Philippines felt like home to the Georgia girl because the culture she grew up in valued the same things as the new culture. I felt at home at Perimeter School quickly because my goal and purpose is in line with the school’s. Our goal is the same: to glorify God and enjoy Him, making His name known to children and families. The administration, parents, teachers, and staff all share this goal. Even the students know our goal!
After leaving our first campus meeting this year, I quickly texted my husband and said, “I don’t care what it costs, where we live, or when we have children. We will send our kids to this school one day.”
I was sold, bought in, convinced that this covenant community everyone was talking about was worth it. It’s worth the Enrichment Days, the covenant calls, the meetings, and the conferences. This community, although so very new to me, is a taste of home.
Created for community
I’ve felt myself longing more for eternity this year and more aware of the fading of this world. This year at Perimeter School has given me a greater taste of the community I am created for - that we are all created for. We know that our creation alone is proof enough that we are created for community, and it is “not good” for us to be alone (Genesis 2:18).
But digging deeper, I was introduced to a new concept of our Father’s image and my own. In Jeremiah 9, we are told to boast only in knowing and understanding God, and in Jeremiah 24:7 we are told “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord…” We are made in God’s image, a God who values being known and understood. He draws us to Himself so that we can know Him. We are not only created to know God, but also to be known. We long to be known by our Creator, but we also have a desire to belong.
Being known
I feel at home here because I am known here. Perimeter School gives us a space to be known. Whatever our role, we have a unique opportunity. Our students (your children!) get to watch you dive into the community around you. They also have a safe avenue to be known as well. How gracious of the Lord to provide us with this place and these people.
So, here’s my charge to you. You may not feel the same way that I do. It may not have been a natural transition for you or your child or your family. Guess what?! That’s okay! We are not promised that community is always going to feel natural or easy or immediately feel like home. Our world and our hearts have been corrupted by sin. This also means our communities and our relationships and our goals have been corrupted by sin.
Press in, pursue the people around you, let them in. Be known and know others as we are running arm-in-arm next to each other for the glory of our King.
I am so grateful to link arms with you, be known by you, and remind you of the eternal home we have through Jesus.
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.