"Play" Your Part in Missions Day
We are Excited to see how god is using $3 to bless a school full of childreN for years to come!
By: Miriam johnson and ellie Girage, Perimeter School Teachers
For several years, Perimeter School, in an effort to help our children become more missions-minded, has had “jeans days,” where students could wear non-uniform clothing, pay $3, and help support missions worldwide.
These days are now known as “Missions Days” so that students know and remember WHY they’re wearing fun clothes at school. The hope is that this purposeful name will encourage big results as our students and families give.
We also thought it would be helpful for the students to have a specific goal in mind as they participate.
This year, we are raising money to purchase new playground equipment for our sister school in Tanzania, Africa.
Many of our school families, teachers, and administrators have visited this school over the years.
Children play football (soccer to us) on a field that has been cleared and make up their own games to play. But the current playground is, to say the least, not very memorable . . .
Until now, playground equipment has not been high priority because so many other things were needed: a library, computers, etc.
A Match Made in heaven
Over the summer, Mrs. Duffy and Miss Johnson saw some great equipment at another Tanzanian school. The equipment was made in Tanzania, and the company that built the playground hires and supports local Tanzanians, which helps Tanzanian families survive economically.
The wheels began to turn!
It was a match truly made in heaven – our sister school needs playground equipment and this company helps local people (rather than hiring outside workers in order to charge more). In addition, the equipment is modular, so additional pieces can be added over time. And of course, we know how much playground equipment can enrich play time!
“Play” your part
Please help your children get excited to see how God can use their $3 to bless a whole school full of children for years to come.
And if you and your family ever go on a mission trip to Tanzania yourselves, please visit the playground and be grateful for the part we all PLAYED in getting it!
Missions Day is this Wednesday, October 16. “Play” your part in what God is doing with $3!
Pictured below is the current playground at our sister school in Tanzania. Click here for images of and more information about the equipment we hope to purchase with the money raised on Missions Days this year.
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.