You Are Not Forgotten!

You are not forgotten, and WE thank you.

By: PERIMETER School Students

Perimeter School will continue our 28-year tradition of students and faculty expressing appreciation to veterans for their service at the Perimeter School Veterans Celebration this Wednesday, November 9, 2022, at 9:30 AM. We hope that you will join us in-person or online!

In preparation for the event, our students have written essays of appreciation for those who have served our country. We are excited to share some of their words with you.

you are not forgotten

“I’m so thankful that because of my great grandpa and all the veterans, we are free to worship God in our country today.”

Lauren, First Grade Essay Contest Winner

“I hope all veterans will hear me say to them, ‘You are not forgotten, and I thank you.’”

Owen, Third Grade Essay Contest Winner


“Our veterans did not have to risk their lives, but they did because they love this country.”

Asher, Fifth Grade Essay Contest Winner

“Learning about the Tuskegee Airmen has caused me to realize how much work, time, and effort they put into protecting this country and our freedom.”

Miles, Seventh Grade Essay Contest Winner

“I encourage everybody to reach out and find those hidden stories that spark freedom and faith. I never knew my great grandfather, but through his legacy, it’s like I’ve met him.”

Carolanne, Eighth Grade Essay Contest Winner

This is just a glimpse into the grateful hearts of our students! To hear more, join us this Wednesday in-person or at