A Well-Built House
built with intentionality
By: REBECCA LITTLE, Elementary School Principal
As we have kicked off the official admission season and school tours with prospective parents, I am once again reminded of the beauty and value of our school. It is important that faculty and parents are reminded of the well-built house that has provided quality education and a discipleship approach for students for forty years. So, let us revisit the strong structure of this place we call Perimeter School.
The Foundation
Building a house begins with the foundation, which for Perimeter School, is our theology and philosophy. Did you know that we have nineteen foundational beliefs that we as a covenant body agree we believe? These beliefs are solid in doctrine and truth.
The Four Pillars
The four pillars of our house of education are derived from Charlotte Mason’s principles: “Education is an atmosphere,” “Education is a discipline,” “Education is a life,” and “Education is the science of relationships.” (For the Children’s Sake, Macauley, p. 61-64) At the core of our Charlotte Mason educational philosophy is the truth that a child is a person created in the image of God.
The Interior
The interior of our house, where our daily living takes place, is our purpose, vision, and mission.
Purpose: To educate and equip generations of students and families to glorify God and pursue kingdom flourishing
Vision: To see the home, church, and school, working in unison to educate, disciple, and propel students toward kingdom impact
Mission: We partner with believing parents to provide a strong academic foundation while discipling students to think biblically and live redemptively
Our distinctives are the roof of the house. There are many distinctives of Perimeter School that make us the wonderful school that we are today. I cannot write about all of them but would like to highlight a few that are dear to my heart.
The first of our distinctives that comes to mind is our half-day schedule. As I share on our tours, we value preserving childhood! Having half days in the lower grades gives children the time to be children. Our mornings are full of academics, so the child has more time to experience, explore, and play in the afternoons. Yes, I know what you are thinking, so why homework? Remember that parents are the primary educators, and we partner with you in the education of your child. Reading with your child and reviewing math and phonics at home are all healthy and manageable responsibilities that are beneficial to all involved. Also, these half days allow parents to have more precious time with their children because time flies and much is established in these early years!
A second distinctive that provides many present and future benefits is Friday Enrichment Days in first and second grade and other Enrichment Days throughout all grades. Teaching Friday Enrichment Days and participating in days such as History Day, Arts Festival, or Greek Day to name a few, not only gives your child a security in knowing that you care enough to give of your time and that you value education, but it also gives parents an opportunity to spend time serving together for the sake of the children.
Parent meetings would have to be the third distinctive that I am passionate about. Why do we require attendance at these meetings? Because we know the importance of joining together in one accord to pray for our school and our students. And we know building relationships with other parents is imperative for us to have a thriving covenant community. Have you ever shared with your child what we do at parent meetings? It can be reassuring and comforting for a child to know that they are being prayed for by you and other parents.
These are only a few of the distinctives that make us who we are here at Perimeter School.
By giving you this picture of “our house” and how it is built with intentionality, I Hope That a flame has been rekindled in you as well.
May it warm your heart and bring you to a place of gratefulness for what God has given you and your child in this special place where seeds are planted. Any sacrifice, whether it be time or financial, is absolutely worth it!
“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.”
(1 Corinthians 3:6)
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.