Alumni Spotlight: Warren Ericson
By: Warren ericson, PERIMETER SCHOOL alum
We recently caught up with several of our Perimeter School alumni, and we are excited to share with you how Perimeter School has influenced their stories and how God is using them for kingdom impact.
Our next alumni spotlight is Warren Ericson, Perimeter School Class of 2013.
What do you do? Where do you live?
I live in Athens, Georgia, and I play football for the University of Georgia … 2021 National Champions!
How Did your time at Perimeter School influencE who you are and what you do today?
I think that Perimeter School had a great influence on who I am today. First and foremost, Perimeter School taught me to love God. Secondly, Perimeter School helped me develop as a student.
Perimeter School’s small classroom environment let my teachers have personal connections with me, which allowed for my learning to get the attention it needed.
I also know the friendships I made at Perimeter School will last forever.
"If it weren't for Perimeter School, I wouldn't know . . .”
If it weren’t for Perimeter School, I would not have been able to go to Washington D.C. and get exclusive tours of all the historical museums.
In what ways is the work you are doing now spiritually and culturally Significant?
Playing football for the University of Georgia is an amazing opportunity and responsibility. The platform that I have allows me to better my community as well as provide a positive influence on others.
Jesus came in the still and calm of the night.