Magnanimous Generosity
They were blessed, and they blessed others!
By: Dave Polstra, Perimeter School Alumni Parent and Financial Planner
In 2021, Perimeter School was blessed with an extremely generous gift to the Perimeter School Covenant Fund, and we are excited to share the heart and story behind that gift with you.
Magnanimous Generosity
I first met Clyde and Pat Poovey in 1991 in the Victors Sunday school class. The Pooveys were in their early 60s, and I was in my mid-30s. We became friends, and it wasn’t long after that when Clyde called me and said, “Dave, Pat and I need some financial planning. Can we meet with you?”
During our first meeting, here’s what I learned about Clyde and Pat:
They lived in a modest home about 30 minutes from Perimeter Church, yet they were very active and involved.
They lived an unpretentious lifestyle, always living below their means.
Their home was paid for, they were debt-free.
They had two grown children and two grandchildren.
Clyde ran a successful business building high school stadiums and other concrete structures.
They had a heart of generosity, following God’s leading and giving with an open hand when they saw a need.
They loved children and thought the world of Perimeter School, even though their children had never attended. (Headmaster Emeritus Bobby Scott was a regular teacher in Victors, and because of this, he was able to share the uniqueness and importance of covenant education.)
And … they mentioned that they needed to update their estate plan.
As we looked closely at their finances, the Pooveys realized that they were well set for retirement. Clyde said to me, “Dave, God has blessed us greatly, and we are stewards of what He has provided. We want to leave funds to our children and grandchildren, but we also want to bless some ministries that could benefit from a significant gift.” And that’s when they began to name the charities to which they wanted to make bequests from their estate, including Perimeter School. I was so excited - after all, my kids all went to Perimeter School, and my wife and I had served on the School Ministry Team. I knew that the school could benefit from a large gift someday.
The Pooveys knew God’s direction for their lives. They believed in Christian education and in the values taught at Perimeter School.
They were blessed, and they blessed others!
What about you? Do you have an estate plan? If so, does it need updating? Have you thought about a charitable bequest in your will or from your 401(k)? Perhaps it’s time to sit down with your financial adviser and discuss your options.
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.