Leadership Lessons Learned Throughout History
I cannot imagine a better way to gain wisdom than to sit at the feet of people throughout history.
By clint fisher, Upper elementary principal
Perimeter School is a unique place. We have the opportunity to use the education process to inspire, challenge, and grow children in many different areas of their lives. One of the most influential forces in this world is the life and story of people. Facts can be clarifying. Principles can provide direction. However, values are the driving motivators for everything we do.
Growing Values
Everyone has heard the adage that values are not taught, they are caught. Our children will either value what we value (if they want the same things), or they will run from what we value (if they resent what they see in us as its result). This process of growing values is one that is not taught by character lessons in class or by a list of what we should or should not do. Growing values is a process. It is slow and requires both patience and care.
Like plants need sun, water, and soil, children need clarity, love, and experiences to evaluate different values. They see our values as parents (both the spoken ones and the unspoken ones). They see their peers’ values. They are always looking for things that provide understanding and direction for their lives.
We as a school are taking advantage of the opportunity to set before students a depth of examples of values. Students can, like a plant’s roots in soil, grow deep and find the values that will sustain and provide for a lifetime of depth and significance. We already do this with literature, and now we will also get to do this with history.
Lessons LEARNED throughout history
One exciting development is that we are introducing biographies into our study of history in grades 4 and 5. Students will be able to study and experience life through the lives of others throughout time. History comes alive with the stories of people rather than just events.
We get to see their values and the choices they made. We get to learn from their failures as well as their successes. We get to see the end of a life lived for power or material possessions. We get to see people who chose to live for others rather than themselves. We get to see people who failed due to ignored weaknesses and others who grew and overcame despite their weaknesses. We get to hear their regrets and rejoice in their celebrations. Ultimately, we will have the opportunity to see God’s truth, principles, and work as it is displayed through people over the course of time.
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.