Dressing Down for a Higher Purpose
a beautiful example of the "body of Christ"
By: Miriam johnson, Perimeter School fourth grade teacher
What do a playground, a teacher workroom, and a seventh grade class trip in Tanzania have to do with Perimeter School students "dressing down" on late start days?
Quite a lot, actually! The mission funds raised on these days have made all of these things possible - and much more. These contributions have also helped send teachers on mission trips to Guatemala and Tanzania and have provided essential supplies for schools in our mission countries.
Most recently, these funds supported a class trip for seventh grade students at our sister school in Tanzania. They traveled to Dodoma, the capital of Tanzania - a journey similar to our eighth grade class trip to Washington, D.C. The idea for this trip came from the students themselves, who wrote to their headmaster requesting an opportunity they had never experienced. One of their teachers mentioned this during our weekly Zoom meeting, laughing at the unlikelihood of it happening. Yet, just a few weeks later, the students and their chaperones were on a bus, embarking on a life-changing trip - all thanks to the funds collected over the past year here at Perimeter School.
In a school where many of the "poorest of the poor" were once overlooked, incredible things are happening, and our students are playing a vital role. Their $3 donations add up in ways that are truly impactful. Please remind your children every time they "dress down" that they are part of something much bigger than any individual effort.
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.