More Than a Coach
To tell of His goodness.
by: Whitney dismer, middle school p.e. teacher
Being a P.E. coach was never on my list of things I thought I would be when I grew up. While I was always active and played college tennis, I wanted to do something different. Something creative. I worked in advertising for several years before having kids. Then I took a decade off work to be a stay-at-home mom.
A decade of parenting changes you. I wanted to get out of the house and do something, but I didn’t want it to interfere with my most important job - being a mom. So, one day, on a whim, I decided to look on Perimeter School’s website to see if there was anything that may fit my skill set. After all, my oldest two were coming to school here, so why not be where they were? As I started to browse the job listings, teaching still wasn’t really on my radar. Maybe a front desk job. Maybe something administrative. But then I saw it – Middle School P.E. Teacher.
What did I know about middle schoolers? Nothing. I knew elementary kids. I knew high schoolers. But middle schoolers were a mystery. Would I like them? Would they live up to the reputation of being difficult and unpredictable? It turns out the rumors are wrong. Middle schoolers are the best!
As much as I love sports, competition, and teaching, I love the in-between moments of connection even more. Giving a hug or encouragement. Coming to a class to listen to their presentations. Staying after school to watch a volleyball game. I am more than just a coach. I am someone to confide in, to give a hug to when it’s been a bad day, to be a mom away from mom.
I am not just a parent to my three precious girls anymore. I now have so many precious girls who I care for, and I am so thankful to leave a lasting mark in their lives. To point them the Jesus. To tell of His goodness. To encourage them to do their best when their nerves get the best of them.
I had no idea that teaching wasn’t just a classroom job. It has pressed me to go beyond the classroom and invest in this next generation. Teaching wasn’t my first job choice, but it’s been my best. And I am so thankful to be where God has undoubtedly led me.
I now have so many precious girls who I care for and am so thankful to leave a lasting mark in their lives. To point them the Jesus. To tell of His goodness.