Love, Learning, and Legacy
It has been a joy and an honor to serve here at Perimeter School.
by: Rebecca Little, Elementary School principal
Well, this is my last blog. I can honestly say that writing the blog has always been a difficult responsibility for me because writing does not come easily. It has always taken me a long time to write the words I think the Lord wants me to share, and this one is no exception. As I prayed and pondered the topic for my final blog, I decided to share a few things about what I have loved, learned, and will leave behind.
What I Have Loved
For the past twenty-five years, Perimeter School has been an anchor for me and my family. Birthed out of Perimeter Church, this ministry has left an indelible mark on my life. It is a place for which I will always be grateful, as my family has been eternally blessed through it. Is it perfect? By no means. It can be quite messy at times because we are all broken people walking through life together. Yet, we are united in the purpose of educating the children God has entrusted to us, both academically and spiritually. Being in covenant with one another is both a privilege and a responsibility - one that I have cherished deeply.
Another aspect I have loved is our educational philosophy and the richness of our curriculum. Seeing children as persons with big ideas, capable of taking ownership of their own learning, is foundational for me as an educator. Each day is filled with activities that build strong habits, shaping both character and academics. It has been a privilege to witness this growth over the years.
I have loved being a parent, a teacher, and an administrator! Through the hills and valleys of each of these roles, I have been surrounded by the family of God, encouraging me and building me up according to His truth. God has refined me and shown me His great faithfulness in countless ways.
What I Have Learned
Every child has a unique journey, and God is with them every step of the way. As parents and teachers, our role is to teach, guide, and model Christ, but we do not have control over their hearts. Perimeter School equips students for their academic future while consistently laying before them biblical truths, praying that one day they will embrace and make their faith their own.
I have learned that we are merely vessels through which God may work as we teach His Word. For some, the fruit of that teaching is evident in their younger years. For others, the journey is longer and perhaps more difficult before their hearts are captured by Christ. Through it all, I am learning to hold everything before the Lord with open hands. These students belong to Him, and this school is His. He is in control, and time and again, He has taught me to be still and trust Him - both in the small things and the big ones.
What I leave behind
I leave behind a school that remains steadfast and bathed in prayer. I leave behind a committed faculty, called to teach, guide, and point students to Jesus. That mission has not changed! I step away from the role of principal with full confidence in someone who will carry forward our mission and lead with wisdom and faithfulness. I leave behind a dedicated and hardworking staff who love Jesus and are deeply invested in Perimeter School.
Most importantly, I leave behind a family - a community of parents, children, and co-workers who have supported, cared for, and loved me throughout this journey. Leaving a community so tightly woven is not easy. I urge you never to take it for granted but to nurture and protect it for those who come after you.
In closing
It is my heartfelt prayer that Perimeter School will remain unwavering in its purpose: to educate and equip students and families to glorify God; that children will be drawn to Christ and come to know Him personally; that the school community will continue to work together as brothers and sisters in Christ, building a strong covenant foundation that stands firm on His truth rather than our own; and that the school, as an extension of the church and home, will reflect the aroma of Christ in all it does and says.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for entrusting your children to my care and leadership over these past ten years. It has been both a joy and an honor to serve here at Perimeter School for the many years God has called me. Only by His grace have I been able to fulfill this responsibility, and I give Him all the glory.
I now have so many precious girls who I care for and am so thankful to leave a lasting mark in their lives. To point them the Jesus. To tell of His goodness.