Eternal Investment
let us approach our Covenant agreement with prayerful hearts.
By: Brendon O’Dowd, head of school
There’s an ongoing debate in the media about whether parenting today is harder than in previous generations. While it’s undeniable that certain challenges, like navigating social media, are unique to this era, parenting has always been a demanding and sacred responsibility. As a school, we are deeply committed to walking alongside you in this challenging journey. Our goal is to create an environment where your children not only excel academically but are also intentionally discipled in their faith.
As you prayerfully consider the re-enrollment process, we encourage you to reflect on the significance of this partnership. It plays a vital role in the spiritual formation of your children and, in many ways, in your own growth as a parent. Our desire is to be a community that supports, encourages, and inspires you toward love and good works, as Hebrews 10:24 calls us to do.
We recognize that Christian education represents a significant financial investment, especially in the context of rising economic costs. Please know that we are committed to providing a high-quality education at a reasonable cost. However, we do invite you to view a Perimeter School education through a long-term, kingdom-focused lens rather than a consumer mindset. In a culture where we so easily accept the terms of lengthy agreements for our devices without much thought, let us approach our covenant agreement with prayerful hearts, trusting in God’s faithful provision for this school.
Time and again, graduates share how the sacrifices made by their families have produced lasting fruit in their lives.
Your commitment to Perimeter SCHOOL is a profound, eternal investment in your child’s future, and we are deeply grateful for your trust and partnership.
Thank you for allowing us to be part of your family’s journey.
When we set our hearts on loving God and walking with Him, His Spirit, which is not of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind, begins to dwell in us.