Admiration and Admonishment
i’ve watched with joy How God’s covenant people have kept their commitment to Him.
By Bobby Scott, Headmaster EMERITUS
Headmaster Emeritus Bobby Scott wrote these words at the end of his tenure as headmaster in 2019, encouraging and admonishing us as a covenant community. May we be refreshed and encouraged by these timeless words … and may we continue to live out this legacy.
In Philippians 2, Paul focuses on how the true Christian life is one marked by the same unity, humility, and servanthood Jesus demonstrated. As the year has progressed, Paul’s message has become my swan song for you, my dear covenant friends.
Scholars say there are three issues that the Philippians were facing:
A growing conflict between their values and those of their culture.
An increase in distortion of truth, with challenging ideas creeping into the churches.
Issues in their covenant family - quarrels, disputes, and lack of real community.
Paul admonished his people with these words:
“Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.”
Philippians 2:14-16
I am certainly not trying to draw a direct parallel of the church at Philippi and the school at Perimeter, nor do I have Paul’s boldness to ever ask others to imitate me. But it is uncanny how things don’t change much.
Admiration and Admonishment
Yet, it is not the challenges I want to address. It is you, the covenant body, I want to admire and admonish.
Unlike any other church, Paul calls the people at Philippi his “dear friends.” I imagine that since Paul did not spend all his life in one city or at one church, he was a bit like me in having dear friendships that sadly, in most cases, move on. For example, I have served with many men on the School Ministry Team. They walked closely, prayed faithfully, and spoke wisdom to me, seeing my worst days and weakest attempts at leadership. I am deeply grateful for all of them and consider them “dear friends” even though, typically, when their kids graduate, they move on.
Likewise, there are so many teachers and staff. Because many of my decisions affect their lives, they have been wonderfully faithful, extremely patient, or at least quietly tolerant of me. Overall, the love of Jesus through these warriors for the minds and souls of children has sustained me.
I am sure the church at Philippi had its critics, and likewise the school at Perimeter has as well. Some criticisms were probably similar.
Black holes
These are what I call the “black holes” of the school. Such complaints will never totally disappear. They have the potential to do what black holes do - suck away the joy and quench the spirit of the covenant body.
I used to try desperately and fix them all, with no success and much anxiety.
These black holes are real concerns and often need to be addressed, but there is a difference in how we of the covenant should handle these issues. Rather than grumble and complain, we all own them. We address heart issues by looking at our own hearts.
We see a school problem as our problem, even if all we can or should do is pray.
We see “those kids” as our kids. We see “that teacher” as our teacher. We see “those leaders” as simply broken people called to a challenging job - and are called to show grace, love, and encouragement.
Shining stars
It is these things and many more that make you, our covenant families, “shining stars" in a crooked generation. I admonish you to maintain your luster by:
Staying faithful to your covenant duties. Don’t let the black holes of busyness or apathy ruin the beauty of our school.
Owning your own brokenness so that grace, love, and compassion can continue to flow freely to your family and each other.
Holding to your home’s foundation of biblical truth, while opening your doors and excursions to embrace people who are not like you. Christianity itself is diverse and delightful.
Expecting more out of prayer and less out of your ability to control and mold your children. Even the most extraordinary parenting cannot secure a child’s heart.
I have watched with joy how God’s covenant people here at Perimeter School have kept their commitment to the Lord to make this philosophy of education work by giving themselves freely to serve each other. I pray that legacy will continue for years to come.
When we set our hearts on loving God and walking with Him, His Spirit, which is not of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind, begins to dwell in us.