Perimeter School

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Ever-Present Grace

 by: Rebecca Little, Elementary School principal

Do you remember leaving the hospital with your first-born child … experiencing so many emotions as you were buckling that itty bitty baby into a car seat and thinking, can we really do this parenting thing?

You had read books, taken classes, and listened to podcasts, but now this child was fully dependent on you!

I remember that day, and 31 years later, God continues to sanctify and teach me even with adult children. Children are a gift that God gives, knowing that we need Him every day to raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. At the same time, He uses parenting to reveal our hearts and hopefully grow our faith and trust in Him.   


HIS Grace is sufficient

I first started reading Paul Tripp’s parenting books over twenty years ago, and the wisdom and encouragement I gained then are just as relevant today. Chapter 2 of Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family is foundational in understanding the many facets of God’s ever-present grace. As we know, each day as a parent is far from easy. Your patience will be tested; you may struggle with how to handle a discipline issue or worry about your child's future - whether they’ll make the team, get the grades, or have all the tools to succeed in life.

When the stresses of parenting start to rob you of joy, remember this truth:

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
(2 Corinthians 12:9)

His grace is sufficient for whatever season you are in. Call on Him for strength, and let Him put your concerns into perspective. As Tripp reminds us, God is in us, and He is with us.

HIS ways are higher

Another powerful quote from Tripp is, “God doesn’t call people to be parents because they are able.” He calls us, knowing we are unable to do so, so we will rely on Him to give us what we need for this sacred task. He desires our hearts to be willing, recognizing that He is the one who is able.

We don’t know what obstacles we will face as we raise our children. But we can be confident that God knows, and nothing surprises Him. He will carry us through the valleys and celebrate with us on the mountaintops. He is more than capable of calming our anxious hearts when our children face trials. He knows what He is doing both in our sanctification and in our children’s lives.

As Isaiah 55:9 says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

In closing, I want to share a quote from a sermon I heard in high school that echoes the themes of grace in Tripp’s chapter and has been a guiding reminder throughout my life: “The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you.”

May this bring you comfort as you navigate the journey of parenting and beyond.

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