Are You On Your Knees?
he is kneeling there right beside me.
by: Sarah Merrick, Perimeter church Director of Kidsthrive and Perimeter School mom
My name is Sarah, and I’m a Perimeter School mom with two children at the school, one in kindergarten and one in second grade. I also have the honor and privilege of leading Perimeter Church’s KidsThrive (our children’s discipleship ministry). Perimeter has been my home for over 10 years, and I look back at my own formation through discipleship and relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ at this church with deep thankfulness.
At our last school campus meeting for this year, Stephen Ready shared the revised purpose, vision, and mission of the school with us all. You probably didn’t commit it to memory, so to help, here they are:
Purpose: To educate and equip generations of students and families to glorify God and pursue kingdom flourishing
Vision: To see the home, church, and school, working in unison to educate, disciple, and propel students toward kingdom impact
Mission: We partner with believing parents to provide a strong academic foundation while discipling students to think biblically and live redemptively.
I’ve been pondering these statements, especially the vision. I love how it is a picture of the body of Christ, like in 1 Corinthians 12, where all the teachers, parents, discipleship leaders, staff members, pastors, etc. are using their unique gifts to “educate, disciple, and propel” our children into kingdom flourishing.
Because I’m a mom in May (moms, can I get some solidarity?), my thoughts on all these things might be a bit jumbled, but I’ll do my best to present some of the other things I’ve been thinking about!
It’s Happening
The first thing, and this is BIG, is it’s happening! I get to see and hear of some of your precious children pursuing kingdom flourishing. Be encouraged! An example of this is witnessing our student leaders, many of whom have been discipled through the home, church, and Perimeter School, become volunteers committed to discipling the next generation. It is beautiful to see multiplication happening.
Will my son, Donnie, who is now in a kindergarten group be serving as a KidsThrive leader or buddying with a child with special needs when he is 13? Only God knows. But it sure is exciting to wonder who in our young discipleship groups will one day choose to befriend and teach the next generation.
Your Children Are Following You
I’ve also been thinking about the shift in responsibility between all those that disciple our children. When children are not yet school-aged, the weight falls heavily on the home. When you drop off your child in carline, the weight then falls heavily on the teachers. But, parents, do you want to be reminded of an important truth? Your village is so valuable, but consistent research and evidence show that your village is there to partner with and help you, the main discipler of your children. Your children are following you first and foremost. With that thought, here are some challenges and reminders:
Are you committed to attending a corporate worship service weekly at your church? If so, are you strategically bringing your child to the service with you (if not every week, then on some consistent schedule) to model and teach how to worship our God with the whole congregation, young and old? Research shows that including your children consistently in the corporate worship service is one of the best things you can do to prepare them for lifelong involvement in church.
Are you approaching your child’s teacher, the children’s ministry volunteer, and the camp counselor with a posture of expectation that they will teach your child all the spiritual education he/she needs? Or are you approaching them with a posture of thankfulness that they are a voice to support and strengthen your own influence in your child’s life?
Are there Christian resources (such as books on theology) in your home suitable for your child’s age?
Are You on Your Knees?
I am working through a couple of books by Justin Whitmel Earley that have messages on building habits, liturgies, and the importance of prayer. His book, The Common Rule, shares his commitment to kneeling prayer three times a day. God has been reminding me recently to come to him in prayer, yes, even kneeling. I find that once I’m on my knees, my body’s posture reminds me of my dependence on him.
Our words (and the words of others) can help to shepherd and correct our children, but true transformation only comes through the work of our God and His Son, Jesus Christ. So, parents, are you on your knees praying for your child?
For me, the weight of being a primary discipler of three young souls sure does feel lighter when I remember the creator and sustainer of the universe is kneeling there right beside me, listening to my every intercession.
If you are interested in discipleship at Perimeter Church, click here for grades K-5, here for middle school, here for high school, and here for adults.
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.