How Perimeter School Enriches the Ministry of Perimeter Church
The transforming work of God is happening Daily in the classrooms of Perimeter School.
By: Jeff Norris, Perimeter Church Lead Teacher and Directional Leader
Randy Pope, Perimeter Church’s founding pastor, wrote an article several years ago about the founding, aim, and purpose of Perimeter School. It is outstanding! You can read it here. There isn’t much more I can add to what Randy has already said so beautifully in that post. I’ll simply share a bit of my heart and passion for the Lord’s transforming work in the families of Perimeter Church and Perimeter School.
perimeter School’s role in our Vision
The vision of Perimeter Church is to see individuals, families, greater Atlanta, and the world come into a life-transforming encounter with the kingdom of God. When I think about our vision, I know Perimeter School plays a critical role in it becoming a reality.
The transforming work of God’s kingdom in the lives of individuals and families is happening daily in the classrooms and hallways of Perimeter School.
From the very beginning, the aim of Perimeter School has been simple, yet profound: to give our covenant children a gospel-centered education that they may grow in the knowledge of the Lord, be made more into His likeness, embrace their God-given gifts unto His glory, and be sent into the world as His ambassadors, equipped for the good works He has prepared for them to walk in. (Ephesians 2:10)
perimeter school’s Uniqueness
Although I’m the new pastor at Perimeter and didn’t attend Perimeter School myself, I have long witnessed and been the benefactor of Perimeter School in my life. In 2004, Rachel and I moved to Athens, GA to serve with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) at UGA. We served there for four years, and in those years, many of the students involved in our ministry were former Perimeter School students. I quickly observed that there was a consistent uniqueness to them. Without exception, they were a winsome combination of biblical knowledge and Christ-like humility. I watched these young men and women as they labored to reach their fellow students with the gospel, and I watched them serve and love others with Christ-like selflessness.
I had the wonderful privilege to build upon a rich foundation that they had received through their teachers, administrators, and parents at Perimeter School. Now, many of those former Perimeter School and UGA students are back at Perimeter Church, serving as members in the life of the church and raising their children here – in our church and in our school. The full-circle grace and faithfulness of the Lord are on display!
his Transformative Work Through Perimeter School
But the impact that Perimeter School has had on my life hits even closer to home. Rachel is a proud Perimeter School graduate. She was a part of the second ever graduating class! I met Rachel when we were freshmen in college. Certainly, I was struck by her beauty, but I was gripped by the heart she had for the Lord. As we began to date, I would hear her talk often about this school she went to growing up. It soon became clear to me that the Lord had done a significant work in her through Perimeter School.
Fast forward 23 years, and I’m still witnessing the outworking of those formative years in her life. I get to labor and love alongside her as we seek to bring the transformative work of the kingdom of God into the lives and hearts of our own children. I get to watch her be a mom who models the love and grace of Jesus in our home. I get to do life with a wife who loves Jesus more than she loves me (and I love that!).
So, yeah … our vision - to see individuals, families, greater Atlanta, and the world come into a life-transforming encounter with the kingdom of God - well … it’s personal. I’m a first-hand witness of how God has used and will continue to use Perimeter School to transform individuals and families from one generation to the next. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Rachel (Wood) Norris with Perimeter School Classmates Carey (Howell) Baker and Jaillene (Erickson) Hunter
Rachel (Wood) Norris with Perimeter School Classmates Carey (Howell) Baker and Dani (Pelletier) Taylor
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.