Preparing for the Road Ahead
Father, we ask You to do Your pruning and prepare us to travel the roads ahead.
By: Bobby Scott, Headmaster Emeritus
A friend posed a question that has resonated with me for years. It involved a picture of building a road: removing obstacles, smoothing the low spots, and widening the narrow curves.
Her question was seemingly simple: do we spend more time, attention, and money building roads that are obstacle-free, or do we mold, create, and refine better vehicles that withstand all the bumps and grinds?
In transportation, maybe the answer is “both.” But when applied to our child's education, or even our own lives, we have to think a bit.
Do I desire to please my children by clearing all possible hurdles? Or do I focus on preparing their hearts and minds for the bumpy ride?
I am at pains to find the Master Teacher ever clearing a road for anyone. In fact, He spent more time emphasizing the certainty of obstacles than in clearing them (John 16:33).
His inaction on behalf of others frustrated some of His students, and it often frustrates me! When His friend Lazarus dies, He procrastinates two entire days. When His disciples expect helpful tools for their first mission, He replies, "Take nothing.” When Martha asks for help in the kitchen, He defends her unhelpful sister. When Philip requests a concrete map for the way ahead, He points only to Himself.
Jesus obviously had no intention of clearing their paths or filling the holes; instead, He forced them and instructs us to prepare and "to be ready” (Titus 3:1).
Practically speaking, this goes against the grain of many of us "fix it" people, especially parents. When the selection for the basketball team excludes our son, who, in our opinion, is surely the best in the league, we start a quarrel. Our seemingly innocent daughter breaks the honor code, and we incredulously look for others to blame. "God, how could You let this happen to my precious child?”
Perhaps He replies, "it’s because I love you and your child enough to help you learn the Truth, painfully but genuinely."
When many plant species are protected fully from wind, fire, and natural stress, their growth is stunted. The Master Gardener said in John 15, "I will prune you that you will bear more fruit. .. fruit that remains." And this pruning is not optional, no matter how much we fertilize and try to pull out all the weeds.
May we hear clearly the Master's answer to Philip. In all our frustration with obstacles in employment, government, religion, parenting, and daily living, He says: "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life.”
He did not come to change your circumstances but to first change you.
Father, we ask You to do Your pruning and prepare us to travel the roads ahead. May we die daily to a bit more of ourselves, so we can learn to live more at Your feet. Master, teach us!
At Perimeter School, we strive to be timeless yet timely in our teaching and our parenting. Bobby wrote the article above in 2008. His words are encouraging and convicting for parents (and non-parents!) then, now, and beyond.
Perimeter School parents, for more timeless and timely parenting resources, check your inbox for a special gift – a free unlimited membership to RightNow Media. RightNow is the world’s largest customizable library of biblical video resources for every person in your family. It’s like Netflix for Christian living! And stay tuned next Monday for an email including a link for "Equipping Night 2021 – A Night In.” You'll receive helpful, concise, thought-provoking content from Paul David Tripp, along with some prompts for you, your spouse, and other parents to discuss and ponder.
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.