The Heart Behind the Father-Daughter Night Remains the Same
I love how our school celebrates this unique and special relationship.
By: Tyler Smith, Perimeter School Dad of Two daughters
As we enter a new year, hoping that 2020 will soon become a distant memory, it is hard to believe that we are approaching the time for another Father-Daughter Night at Perimeter School. This event has become one of my favorite traditions, and I love how our school celebrates the unique relationship that dads and daughters ought to have.
It might just be me, but I am guessing that any dad can relate to how quickly the years fly by! One day, you are taking a tiny kindergarten child to her first Father-Daughter Dance. Then, you blink, and you are suddenly escorting a middle schooler onto the floor to dance the night away.
The years are fleeting, and we as dads have limited time to make the imprint God calls us to have on our daughters’ hearts.
The Father-Daughter Dance has been a great excuse for me to be intentional about my words and my time with both of my girls. Very seldom does life slow down enough that I can get distraction-free time to not only dance, be goofy, and have fun with them but to speak God’s Truth into their lives regarding who they are in Him and what He calls them to be.
I am grateful that our school provides an evening for dads to truly connect with their daughters. In a world that attempts to push the fallacies of being perfect, beautiful, and without blemish, this evening allows the space to have conversations about how perfection can only be found in God and how they are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Our girls are desperate for male leaders and father figures that point them to the One who can fill them up. Now more than ever, our girls need strong, principled, and praying dads in their corner, and the Father-Daughter Dance has always been a catalyst for me to reinforce these efforts.
Granted, like most things during this season, the Father-Daughter Night will look a bit different this year, but I do not doubt that Perimeter School dads will find a way to make this night a priority.
My prayer is that we can get back to the large gathering we have had in the past in 2022 and beyond. However, at the end of the day, I truly believe God can and will use this Father-Daughter Night (as well as the COVID chaos in general) to grow the special and unique relationship between fathers and their daughters.
It does not have to be costly or grandiose. Our daughters will remember the time together and the discussions had, not the amount of money spent or the destination.
A special thank you to the Perimeter School leadership, SMT, and all the ladies on the Father-Daughter Committee who have worked so diligently this year and in the past to put these nights together - your work does not go unnoticed, and you have been able to create special and lasting memories for countless Perimeter School dads and their daughters.
I cannot wait to spend time with my girls next Friday, February 19 for the 2021 Father-Daughter Night, and I hope all of you Perimeter School dads will do the same. Click here for ideas to help you plan your special evening. God Bless!
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