Alumni Spotlight: Rachel Norris
By: Rachel (Wood) Norris, PERIMETER SCHOOL alum
We recently caught up with several of our Perimeter School alumni, and we are excited to share with you how Perimeter School has influenced their stories and how God is using them for kingdom impact.
Our next alumni spotlight is Rachel Norris, Perimeter School Class of 1993.
What do you do? Where do you live?
I am married to Jeff, Lead Teacher and Directional Leader of Perimeter Church, and mom to four kiddos (ages 18, 14, 12, and 9). We’ve been married for 20 years, and we live in Buford, Georgia. I work part-time at a marketing firm called The Edge Agency, volunteer at my kids’ schools in Buford (I’m serving this year as the PTO president at Buford Middle School), and coordinate fellowship and support for our staff wives at Perimeter Church. Life is full!
How Did your time at Perimeter School influencE who you are and what you do today?
Perimeter School was impactful in my life in so many ways … from learning art, participating in drama, and loving athletics (Headmaster Emeritus Bobby Scott was my track coach!) to learning study skills and building strong friendships. The thing that stands out most though is probably the strong biblical foundation. Growing up at both the school and church provided me with such a deep knowledge of scripture and love for the Lord that spurred me on as I left the “nest” for public high school and college.
"If it weren't for Perimeter School, I wouldn't know . . .”
I wouldn’t know some of my dearest friends.
What a gift to have been part of a covenant family where I am still connected to several of my friends decades later!
In fact, we try to get together at least once a year. From the beginning, the heart of Perimeter School has been building a strong Christian community, and I definitely found that to be true.
In what ways is the work you are doing now spiritually and culturally Significant?
Well, I’m married to a pastor now! Before that, we were in full-time ministry together for 13 years with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) and truly loved investing in the next generation.
My role has changed a bit now after kids and even though we don’t do ministry together necessarily, I know my biggest contribution is to support Jeff, pray for him, and love the church alongside him.
My biggest personal ministry is my kids and raising them. Though we love Perimeter School so much, due to some special circumstances, we chose public schools for our kids. I have enjoyed investing a lot of my time coming alongside them and their amazing teachers as well as our Buford community over the years.
God has gifted me with a creative spirit as well as some administrative skills that I have used in many ways in my adult life within the church, hobbies, and school events. Recently, I started working part-time at a marketing agency, and it has just been such a great fit for how God has gifted me. I enjoy working and supporting this agency (owned by a Perimeter member and school mom) with my gifts and talents.
Jesus came in the still and calm of the night.