Brave, Selfless, and Heroic
Our Veterans are defenders.They matter to us because they served so gratefully!
By: PERIMETER School Students
Perimeter School will continue our 30-year tradition of students and faculty expressing appreciation to veterans for their service at the Perimeter School Veterans Celebration tomorrow, Wednesday, November 6, 2024, at 9:30 AM. We hope that you will join us in person or online!
In preparation for the event, our students have written essays of appreciation for those who have served our country. We are excited to share some of their words with you.
Brave, Selfless, and heroic
“When my uncle Adam brought bad men to justice at Guantanamo Bay, he said a flag flew every day over the prison. This reminded him that America is strong and fights against evil. Our nation doesn’t always agree, but the flag unites us.”
Lindsay, First Grade Essay Contest Winner
“After hearing about the veterans in my family, I realized how brave, selfless, and heroic they are.”
Grace, Third Grade Essay Contest Winner
“Our veterans are defenders. They matter to us because they served so gratefully!”
Lila, Fifth Grade Essay Contest Winner
“Veterans have helped provide freedom and opportunities that make it great to be an American.”
Berkeley, Seventh Grade Essay Contest Winner
“Part of being a Marine is putting others in front of yourself. Paw Paw said that he never felt like a hero; he just did his job.”
Britain, Eighth Grade Essay Contest Winner
This is just a glimpse into the grateful hearts of our students! To hear more, join us in person tomorrow, Wednesday, November 6, or on Perimeter Church’s YouTube channel here.
When we set our hearts on loving God and walking with Him, His Spirit, which is not of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind, begins to dwell in us.