The Heart Behind Re-Enrollment
Re-enrollment is an opportunitY to remember, reflect, and reaffirm our Covenant commitment.
By Jeremy case, assistant head of school, perimeter school Dad, and perimeter school alum
Although it seems we’re barely halfway through the 2018 - 2019 school year, we’re already busy planning and preparing for the year ahead! That means the re-enrollment season is almost here! While it may not receive all the excitement of the first day of school or the celebration of the last, re-enrollment is an important milestone in each school year.
Re-enrollment is more than completing a few forms to secure your student’s spot for next year. It’s an exciting opportunity for your family and mine to remember, reflect, and reaffirm our covenant commitment and to rejoice in what God continues to do in and through our covenant family.
We are more than a Christian school. We are a covenant community. We believe that together we can better educate, equip, and encourage our children to glorify and enjoy God. As a Perimeter School parent, that’s why I’m so thankful for each of your families and your faithful partnership and active participation in living out our covenant commitments and carrying our mission forward each school year. Your family is a vital part of our covenant community and what makes Perimeter School such a special place.
So, as we enter re-enrollment season, let me encourage each of us to remember, reflect, and reaffirm all the privileges and responsibilities of belonging here at Perimeter School.
Remember what makes this place so special. Remember our desire to belong to a covenant community who together strives to educate and disciple students to live according to God’s word by embracing the truth of the gospel.
Remember what makes the mission of our school so exciting is that it begins with our home and extends as we collectively embrace our calling to raise a generation passionate for the hope of Jesus and the glory of God - a generation who seeks to love and serve in order to bring hope and healing to the world.
Remember that Perimeter School is where students are taught redemptively so that they can live redemptively. It is where our counter-cultural methods enable our students to confront and claim their culture for the Kingdom.
Reflect on how God has used the covenant community to bless your family this year.
Reflect on how God has used your family to serve and strengthen the covenant community.
Reflect on how we can rejoice in what God has done in and through your family and the entire Perimeter School community.
Reflect on how your student has grown spiritually, physically, academically, and socially.
Reflect on how you have seen your student’s character developed, faith stretched, and relationships strengthened.
It all starts with our reliance on the Holy Spirit to faithfully live out our covenant calling. Let’s spend some time to prayerfully reaffirm our desire to live out this commitment together. Remember our covenant pledge at our fall campus meeting? What a powerful symbol of our corporate covenant promise, standing together, united in our calling and commitment! Will you join me this week in praying that God will continue to deepen and strengthen our covenant family as we each reaffirm our commitment to rely upon God to educate and disciple our children together?
The covenant community pledge
As a professed member of the covenant family of Perimeter School and acknowledging my role as the primary educator of my children, I hereby recognize my inadequacy to raise up covenant children alone. I pledge with this community to be actively present, vulnerable, teachable, and prayerful. I promise to pursue opportunities made available by Perimeter School to equip and bring all of us to greater maturity in Christ. I view this commitment not as a burden, but as a privilege to take advantage of these critical years of growth and learning in our children. This pledge expresses the desire of my heart, and I depend on Him for strength and joy in its fulfillment.
I pray it’s with joyful anticipation that you begin the re-enrollment process this year and that we’ll all be blessed and refreshed as we pause to prayerfully remember, reflect, reaffirm our covenant community pledge.
Perimeter School parents, check your inbox for an email that invites you to re-enroll and includes changes to this year's STREAMLINED re-enrollment process.
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.