Our Covenant Community - A People of FAITH
We want to partner with you to make the most of every opportunity!
By: CLINT FISHER, Dean of students and families
At Perimeter School, we want to help every parent capture every moment to invest in every child. As we heard at our campus meeting last night, we are called to a living hope, a calm resting on God's values. We are prepared for action because we trust God is working and that it is not all up to us. We do not know what God is accomplishing behind the scenes, but we do know He is working.
As a school, We want to partner with you to make the most of every opportunity for yourself, for your family, for our covenant community, and for the kingdom and glory of God.
A People of F.a.i.t.h
How do we do this? Remember that “casual” and “convenient” are not partners with greatness. Discipline, commitment, and resolve poured out in the same direction for an extended period of time produce greatness. Combine those with God's eternal work, and you’ll see the kingdom come.
Practically, I would suggest we seek to be people of F.A.I.T.H as a means of accomplishing this investment.
F - Faithful
Be faithful to be fully present in our commitments and at family time. We build community when we show up and engage in life with others.
A - Available
Make sure we are available for serving, for conversations, for laughter, and for needs. Investment requires sacrifice, and there is no substitute for giving time. This is true for your family as well as for our covenant community.
I - Initiative
Take the initiative to reach out to others, to do more than the minimum. Seek out opportunities to learn, grow, invest, and serve the community. The heart of “initiative” is others-focused. Approaching your family or our community to get something for yourself is the quickest way to destroy authentic, life-giving impact.
T - Teachable
Approach situations and people with humility, realizing we can learn from anyone and that we need each other to accomplish this work of transforming families. Wisdom cries aloud in the streets not just in the words of those we esteem or prefer. Ask questions and seek to authentically understand with compassion.
H - Hungry
Seek to have a deep inner desire for growth, community, and service.
Perimeter School has established a system that provides and requires that parents show up and serve. This is purposeful to help parents build relationships with each other, with their children, and with their children's friends. It requires you to invest in your family and other families in the covenant community in ways that will serve you with resources, wisdom, and support long after you leave the halls of our school.
We are here to encourage, equip, and educate you as you seek to know and love God and see Him change you, your family, and the world around you. There is real joy found in His presence, and He will always be found working to make His bride beautiful. Let us be people of F.A.I.T.H. and watch and see what God is doing behind the scenes.
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.