A Personal Tribute to Veterans
what was most memorable was being welcomed into this community.
Thomas Harvey served in the United States Air Force during the Cold War as a tech sergeant and was in the National Guard for eleven years. He has attended the Perimeter School Veterans Celebration for the past several years, having been invited by friends and neighbors who attend Perimeter School. Now that his daughter is a student here, this year he will attend as a Perimeter School dad!
This Day and this event was different
I had heard great things about the Perimeter School Veterans Celebration, and each year I thought it would be the year I would go. I finally committed to go a few years ago, when I was invited by a close neighbor and friend. That year, I also had the distinct pleasure and honor of visiting a sixth grade classroom to share a few of my experiences directly with the students.
Throughout the many years I have been out of the service, I have attended a handful of Veterans Day events and parades … but nothing like this!
From the moment I arrived, I was met by students, teachers, parents, and multi-generational veterans wanting to shake my hand and hear about me and my military service.
I felt so humbled to have the opportunity to meet and speak with some amazing veterans of all ages. I realized that at other veteran events that I attended over the years, I was just a spectator, but this day and this event was different. I was fully immersed from the moment I entered the building.
Like many, I was blown away by the students’ posters, essays, and heartfelt showing of appreciation and patriotism.
However, what was most memorable for me was being welcomed into this community of people, including some incredible veterans, who made this day not just special but truly personal for me.
I enjoyed coming back the following year for all the same reasons, and I am particularly looking forward to this year since my daughter and I will be serving alongside her fellow Perimeter School sixth grade students, hosting the reception at this year’s event. I expect that sharing this experience together with my daughter will be a unique opportunity for us to start a whole new dialogue about an important part of my past.
This year, Perimeter School is celebrating a quarter-century of honoring veterans! Our Veterans Celebration will be Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 9:45 AM in the Perimeter Church Main Sanctuary. Invite veterans and friends! There will be a reception immediately following the program for our guests. Click here for more information.
Once you find the one thing that is truly worth dying for, then you have also found the one thing worth living for. This singular thing will inform and clarify every choice. This one thing will provide direction, energy, and real hope.